A Few Simple Social Link Building Tips

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Having links back to your website or blog as always been important when it comes to SEO, and these things still do hold some weight. Of course, as time and technology change, the types of links that are the most important are changing. Because of the proliferation of social media networks and tools, social links are holding more sway. This was something that many suspected, and Google and other search engines finally confirmed it.

Knowing that social media links are going to be a larger factor when it comes to the popularity and the rankings of your site or blog is just the first step. You are also going to have to make sure that you know the best practices as well as how you can incorporate them into your current marketing and SEO building strategy. Fortunately, it is not very difficult, and you might even enjoy doing it. You don’t hear this about many of the other SEO building techniques that people and businesses are using.

Check out the following tips that you can start utilizing for your own social link building.

Adding Social Media Buttons

One of the simplest things that you can do to help boost your rankings in terms of social media is to add social media buttons to your blog. Whenever you write and post content to your blog, you want to make sure that you have the various clickable social icons right on that post, as this is going to make it much easier for people to share your content. While some people might not take the time to copy and paste a link from your site, they are going to find that simply clicking a button can get the job done much more efficiently.

This can help to build the number of visitors that you have coming to your site, and it can help to increase the number of shares that you have for your content. Consider doing more than merely placing those links on your blog posts though. Put the buttons for Twitter, FB, Pinterest, and more right on your product pages, emails, and any other place that makes sense for your business.

You might not see immediate results from this strategy, but it’s not about getting overnight success. Having the buttons on all of your posts and products is a long-term plan. Over time, as people find the articles and the products and share the information, it can serve to shore up your SEO and bring in more visitors.

You will find that adding the buttons is simple. Most of the time, you will be able to add a widget or a plugin to your blog, or copy and paste some code.

Improve Public Relations

You can use the social networks, and those who are on the social networks, to help with your PR as well. When you have information about new products or services, or things that you are doing for your customers, take to the social networks to let people know. If you have someone interview you for a blog or a magazine, he or she will often post links on their own social networks, which can boost recognition of your company. PR is really another facet of proper branding, and it is possible to use social links to help.

A Call to Action

If you want to have more followers and more possibilities for social media links, then give people a call to action. Ask relevant people to follow you, ask for reposts or re-tweets of your material. Many people will do this if you have good information that they believe others will like or from which they can benefit.

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